Permisiiii omm.... numpang tanya nih,.ada yg tau tmpt jual SPUN handlebar?ane lg cari nih... mohon infonya para suhu,. trima kasih
one more after i installed the 1.4 review 16 version,.i found in gold miner vegas an error occured,and this is an error message "A more recent version of the Flash Player is needed for this game. Please download and install the free Macromedia Flash Player, then start this game again. Would...
so where must i download the last version?please give me link that i can download the last version..Thanks
After I install this software i found the record is about 1/222,why this things could happen? if I click the update database,This Account may have reached its limit, is suspended or this domain no longer exists.why it could happen? what must I do,? Thank's a lot
Klo ane gan 3IDIOTS -walaupun itu film cowo semua,cuma banyak yang berkesan gan CJ7 -nih film antara bapak sama anaknya sedih bener sangat besar kasih sayang seorang bapak.. THE PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS -Film nya WILL SMITH gan,sama anaknya JADEN SMITH lumayan miris kisahnya.. :iloveindonesia:ilovein...