Numpang lowongan ya kawan2.. Buat yg Fresh boleh dicoba. Dimension Data, the leading independent ICT solution and services company calls fresh graduates to participate to Dimension Data Indonesia People Development Program 2012. This program facilitates ICT prodigy to expand skills and gain experi
Darn!!! No worries, there will be blue days later on. We'll take a revenge at Stamford Bridge later. it won't happen, my friend :) last night, i thought MU was not at their best performance..
*sigh* you never sign in to your xiaope account i guess.. But.. Now i think Ambrosiana has your "real" YM account.. is that true ? prikitiew :p
Hi everyone.. Yukikakakiwai, she lead me to join in here.. My english isn't good at all, please guide me :D
Tiap ISP punya jaringan masing2.. Antar ISP, saling terhubung satu sama lain. ISP di suatu Negara, terhubung dengan ISP di negara lain. Jadilah internet. Tiap ISP punya jaringan, beli alat canggih, nggak murah, makannya disesuain dengan strategi marketing / pasar, untuk daerah2 tertentu.