Coba besok ane coba2 login gan. Team Name ane (ayambak**) juga masuk ke daftar Banned list 26 april kemarin, langsung ane email support. Tadi bisa login lagi, dan dapet kompensasi (walau ga dibales email ane) Kemungkinan ente di report bot sama orang, entah apa alesannya. Dan ane yakin tiap ban w
Hello Savior, Thank you for contacting us. You are receiving the message because your account has been locked due to suspicious activity within the game. If you feel that this decision is unjust and wish to ask for a re-evaluation of your activity in the logs please submit an email to tossupport@im
Akun udh di block gan, udh coba pakai vpn hotspot shield kemana2 amrik, kanada, australi udh gk bisa maen lg
Info buat semuanya, ane dari kemarin gak bisa login lagi ke ITOS, ada connection error "your access to the game has been restricted", udh submit support tiket ke IMC mereka jawabnya akun telah diblock karena suspicious activity. Sebelum di block ane pake wtfast untuk main. Sepertinya me...