Malem, mau request :) Tittle: Automatic human spermatozoa detection in microscopic video streams based on OpenCV Author: Qiaoliang Li ; National-Regional Key Technology Engineering Laboratory for Medical Ultrasound, Guangdong Key Laboratory for Biomedical Measurements and Ultrasound Imaging, Depart
Makasih gan :beer: :matabelo TITLE = The application of a direct method for designing decoupling pre-compensators for multivariable systems AUTHOR(s) = A.J. Fricker, BSc, MEng, MiMechE, CEng PUBLISHER = doi: 10.1177/014233128400600406 Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control Septe
Halo gan, req 2 paper ya... Judul: Increasing User Perceived Quality by Selective Load Balancing of Video Traffic in Wireless Networks Published in: IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting (Volume:61 , Issue: 2 ) Page(s): 238 - 250 ISSN: 0018-9316 INSPEC Accession Number: 15214679 DOI: 10.1109/TBC.2015
gan maaf nih mau tanya kalo mau request ebook bisa ngga yah atau ada kamar khususnya?? ane nyari ebook Managing Knowledge: Building Blocks for Success FREE PDF – Gilbert J. B. Probst susah banget ga ketemu-ketemu tolongin dong gan maaf gan.. ebook ane ndak tw
:cendols :beer: Makasih gan :) TITLE = Strategic maintenance management AUTHOR(s) = Murthy, D.N.P., Atrens, A. and Eccleston, J. A PUBLISHER = Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 8 4: 287-305. doi:10.1108/13552510210448504 (2002) T
:beer: :cendols TITLE = Maintenance of a reducer by vibration and wear particles analysis AUTHOR(s) = Aparecido Carlos Gonçalves, Rodrigo Carvalho Cunha, Daniel Fabiano Lago, PUBISHER = Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, Vol. 12 Iss: 2, pp.118 - 132
Cendol dilempar masing2 +1 yak! :shakehand Ane rekues lagi, cendol masih available :o Geometric average of spatial evidence data layers: A GIS-based multi-criteria decision-making approach to mineral prospectivity mapping Compa
Makasih gan :beer: TITLE = Performance of large-diameter honeycomb-design HDPE pipe under a highway embankment AUTHOR(s) = Shad M Sargand, Teruhisa Masada PUBLISHER = Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2000, 37(5): 1099-1108, 10.1139/t00-034
Title of ebook:Green Computing ISBN: 00010782 Year : 2005 Author : Landwehr, C.E. Title of ebook:Meeting green computing challenges ISBN: 9781424421183 Year : 2008 Author : Wang, David
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Selamat pagi gans, mau request lagi jurnal berikut: 1. Title: "Understanding user participation in online communities: A systematic literature review of empirical studies" Author: Sanna Malinen, Computer in Human Behavior, Volume 46, May 2015, Pages 228–238 Publisher: Elsevier http://...