Fur sich: Carlsson 1/5 Brilliant Edition 18x8.5/10". Fully original, no repaint, no repolish. ET 35. Toyo Proxes tires 235/40 and 265/35, only 100 Ks on the road. Info and price please call 0816601426. No SMS and PM, serious only.
Fur sich: DSK bolt on muffler. W202 4 cylinder spec. Made by REMUS. Brand new old stock. Rare stuff. 4 unit available. Reasonable price for its quality and rarity. Info and details please call 0816601426. No PM and SMS. Serious only.
C36 itu adalah versi performance dari w202. mesin 3600cc dituning oleh AMG dengan parts performance. perbedaannya ada di kaki2, rem, mesin, bodykit, velg dll. kalo masih mikir ngurus mahal apa gak, pajak berapa dan konsumsi bensin berapa, don't even think of buying C36 atau C43, it's a ...
kompressor hanya ada di 230 mas, itupun ada juga 230 non kompressor. agak boros tapi worthed. koleksi ada lah mas, cukup banyak :)
saya sih kolektor, sementara belum ada rencana untuk jual. bicara club sih jangan dijadikan patokan karena banyak yang nempel club pdahal pedagang.
kalo unitnya bagus gak perlu dipikirin dulu lah. lagian kalo sampe harus O/H juga cuma 8 jutaan all in koq.
dibanding bimmer jelas murah merc. ambil mesin paling gede kalo mau enak urusan bensin nomer 2. selama ambil yang superB gak bakal nyesel.
Fur sich: W202 Brand new in box, NOS OEM electric rear sunshade. Very rare stuff. 15 set available. Back set only, no wiring and switch. Please CALL 0816601426 for info. Will not accept any questions by PM and SMS.
Fur sich: Carlsson 1/6 Evo (genuine). 19x8.5/10". Ban depan: Pirelli Dragon 235/35/19. Ban belakang : Yokohama P102 275/30/19. For detail and info please call 0816601426. Please DO NOT SMS or PM. Thanks.
Bring your Merc to the next level of performance and prestige with ORIGINAL tuner stuff with affordable price. All these item are brand new, new old stock, ORIGINAL and discontinued. Please be advised that some scratches and dents are there in the stuff due to storage. Here are the item: Origin...
Fur sich: Carlsson 2/5 18x8.5/10" ET 35. Good condition and original. Original hub caps. Rims only. AMG CL 19x8.5/9.5". Genuine. Good condition. No cracks and bents. RIMS ONLY. Brand new H&R lowering kit for W202 are also available, rare item. Price and info please call 0816601426. No...
bawa ke si gun aja di cirenseu mas. jauh juga kalo emang bagus kenapa gak. banyak temen2 dari jakarta bahkan medan sampe ke bandung untuk mampir ke montir langganan saya.