And so how come you mention aisah ? :nohope: Who is that aisah? asal sebut, want to make an abbreviation
So leave it :nohope: Dont care is he... He insulting me :nohope: Wogh :capedes wooooo :batabig :batabig :batabig
Pakk pakk pakkk you faceee youu knoww :lemparbata:lemparbata i dont know my face because I wear a mask
I can give u more if u batter to diamond :coblos diamond got me already discarded how to exchange with gold
her : hellooowww, my name is Aisah (Akoohh igh Sakawuni) you : yes, my name is............ ( what you name, please fill it)
Who said that ... Eh what meaning pleswan :matabelo: just do not know :cd pleswan is AMAZING POWER for prince
Why u always use word "know" :capedes Nothing bro :coblos Better know nothing then hurts :lehuga because, with know, i get pleswan