Hi, I'd like to ask an add on for FS9. Does anyone know about WAAA scenery from BDO-Aviation for FS9? If you have some information related to the add on, please kindly replay my request or gimme the information about the stuff. Thank You. Kindly Regard.
Hi avechelice, sorry for late reply. I've deleted some of my inbox. so would you please send me the answer? thank you. Regard.
Hi avechelice, I sent a pm.. please kindly check your inbox and reply it if you have any ideas about it. Thank You. Regard. :-)
Nite lads, herewith I'd like to ask related to PFPX V 1.22. I've downloaded and installed the software but so far I just got nothing for the stuff. So, does anyone know about this? I've been stuck on searching (LOL) the software and got confused cause I've done all the instruction on the "re...
Hi lads, does anyone have the latest AES (AES VERSION 2.40) include the credits? I've been looking this stuff for some moments but I still get nothing for it -.- .If you have some information related to this stuff, please let me know. cheers.. :-)
Hi, does anyone here know about sky-ai traffic? I used to use it for replacin' my original traffic till someday I stoped usin' it cause everytime I flew to europe/us *flown from Indonesia* I got trouble. My fs suddenly stoped workin' and app crash msg appeared after I'd been flyin' for around 9-1...
malam gan, misi numpang nanya. ada info ga kost dekat kno? klo ada di daerah mn ya? & berapa per bln nya? serta u/ transport ke kno nya spt apa? apa ada kost yg dkt kno yg memungkinkan u/ jln kaki? soalnya sy dr luar kota gan, mau training di kno slma 3 bulan. kl ada referensi/info kabari ya gan