everybody ask for something here, but no one has nothing to share. The spirit of this forum was Avechelices, Is he dead ? sometimes I ask myself, what am I doing here !
Would like to grab the Milviz F-4 J and S from the site. What needs to be done in order to download from there? There is download link down of page and password on the right copy download link and post it in to browser press enter and then enter password NOW have fun with register baidu and get
大公鸡臭 you answer code now I Don't Understand Chinese On http://flyerbay.net/ or Baidu Cloud. Code of image has changed, it's very complex !! i will remove it. phileashchrist, Thank you so much for tryn helping me I appreciate that.
Hello all, Chinese friends ... Please HELP !! How can I make verification Code image appear in English ? https://i.imgsafe.org/8f323ca93e.png I can't log in since i registerd :(
ATTENTION: I put Ave's Avatar in honour and respect of this dear and great friend just because of what he did to the group and me in person. I AM NOT AVE... Thanks Hello, I just come back & !! I've noticed that ave account may be suspended under the automatic ban, Damn What's Going On !!
Hello, Requist 2 files for: FSGRW 1.7 Build 38 1-Launcher.exx 2-FxGlxbxl.xxxxxxxxxx.Librxxx.Cliext.Dxx thank you.
Try this : don't click on "Abort" or "Retry", but close the windows with the cross on the top, and the installation will continue. But if you have an other A2A aircraft in your FSX, may be you'll have to reinstall it after the B377 . Thanks to reply if it's a good solution H
FSX P3DAll DD BAKU v1.00 https://pcflight.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/baku1_zps5glw9bhx.jpg Gift from a member Only request by PM will be answered Thank you all avechelice & a "member"
Hello Everyone, Does anybody have a Captain Sim L-1011 k*ygen, ? or user and password to get activation code at the following link: http://simulator.hol.es/captainsim/captainsim.php?instal=true Thank you.
I found it helpful for newbies !! If i can spend my money for fs addons so why i am here !! as well as you ? Thank you for your concern, MsTaken.
N1m1abc, those "products" are very well known as absolutely useless crap. With some easy manual teweaks you get same, even better, results. Have a look around ;) Not for me, but for those who know nothing of Fsx or P3d "CFG" file. http://www.gatwick-fsg.org.uk/affinitymask.a
Request: FSX Multicore Next Take a look: http://www.avsim.com/topic/287839-multicore-utility-fsps-multicore-environment/?p=1782763 Then: http://www.thefsps.com/fs2004/fsps-multicore-next.html Or: http://secure.simmarket.com/fsps-multicore-next.phtml Simple, fast and easy to use, only EUR 7.00 Buy