Hi, I'm interested in this position, and I think I have met all the requirements, can I get a quick message regarding the company details, work location, etc? I'd really appreciate it. I'm sending you message first, thank you in advance!
pagi, gan jika sudah kirim email tapi tidak ada tanggapan berarti tidak lolos seleksi ya? atau posisinya sudah ada yang mengisi? terimakasih
hi, what kind of website you wanna make? is it native ? writing codes from scratch, or kind of website that use CMS like wordpress and you just install the theme and configure itu without writing any codes?
sore gan, bisa diinfokan jam kerja dan alamatnya? agar bisa diperhitungkan jaraknya. terimakasih sebelumnya :)
Yes Sir. I think this job matches me and I have 1 year+ experiences in E-Commerce but unfortunately my laptop is currently in service because it has some trouble. May I know how long this offer will be open? It is possible if I apply in the next 2 weeks or more? Sorry for lot of questions and than
gan ane cukup pengalaman di marketplace sejak 2016, 3 bulan kerja ngurusin marketplace official store juga. Bahasa inggris ada sertifikat, tapi umur masih 18. Apakah boleh mengajukan lamaran?
Silakan Gan dilamar. :sup: :sup: :sup: Terimakasih banyak gan, saya sudah kirim lamarannya via email. Dari as******3@gmail.com Mohon di review ya gan. Terimakasih
ane dasar seo, dasar photoshop, sama google analytic udah agak paham, pernah pake buat web ane. tp kalo adwords belum pernah pake, tapi ane cepet belajar gan. 2 minggu juga paham. Gimana? Ada kesempatan buat lamar gan ? :malu