Can a mortal ask questions which God finds unanswerable? Quite easily, I should think. All nonsense questions are unanswerable. How many hours are there in a mile? Is yellow square or round? Probably half the questions we askhalf of our great theological and metaphysical problemsare like that...
\n\noops. yeah. edited. :Peace:\n\n@MSTRKRFT\nimho, i think you shouldn't try too hard to write in sentences that doesn't sound natural to you. yes, you can maybe insert some "high-class" words here and there, but it won't mean anything if it only make...
\n\n\n\nwow. you didn't hold back. i like you. :D\n\nno offense to MSTRKRFT. i also think your essay isn't good, particularly your english. also sorry if it's harsh, but there's no point in having sweet talks if what you're looking for are correcti...
\n\nThere are plenty of requests here. Maybe you should focus on the ones that still need replying. There's one on page 39 if you're interested... (The one i stopped correcting :Peace:)\n\nBtw it's bro, not sis :nohope:. Although i realize my name is not that manly...
\n\ndude... :D that post's almost a year ago :D. and nobody even thinks (maybe) about them anymore. maybe you should check the date next time. :Peace:
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.
bro/sis oerwahfm, are you still here? cause i think i won't bother continuing if you're not...\n\n\n\nyeah. i was inspired by your "act of courage" at the thread next door, but it turns out that maybe i won't need to do that. let's see bro/sis oerwahf...
paragraph three\n\nThe Indonesian government relies heavily on tax to finance its national budget these days. Economically speaking, the Indonesian government can no longer depend on oil and gas as the main source of revenue, since over the recent years Indonesia has been becoming a net i...
paragraph two\n\nOne kind of tax that is specifically used to focus on filling the gap is called "inheritance tax". The general definition of inheritance tax is a tax imposed to someone who receives money or property. In fact, this is not a new kind of tax. Actually it has been ...
\n\ni'll try to help then. maybe one paragraph at a time.\n\nparagraph one\n\nThe income gap between the rich and the poor in the world has been widening over the recent years. It has been a challenge for the authorities to minimize the gap. This is also the case in I...
\n\nyou mean formal english broh/sis? i'm not sure i can help you with that, usually you learn formal english from english institutions/books, but if you want to sharpen your conversational skills, maybe you can join us in the epl here broh/sis...\n\n(epl = english premier lo...
dude, i'm pretty sure that's too long for anyone here to want to check all of it without some kind of a reward...
\n\notherwise you're gonna have a hard time during interview, right?\nlearnt that the hard way... :hammer:
\n\n\n\nummm, i don't really stand out in my university. my GPA is relatively low compared to my colleagues and i'm not really active in organizations either. if there is anything above average on paper, maybe it's my english. i'm having trouble selling my good...
dude!!! thanks!!! your version sounds much better!!! no i graduated from a university in indonesia. as you can see, my english, especially formal english, is not that good, but i think i can still communicate well though. i'm currently in jakarta. i'm looking for work here too, but i...
\n\nreally? i was also quite hesitant to write the "personal matter" part. it's just that i read an article that said it's better to state your reason if you have a gap in your career. but i guess saying that it's a personal matter is as good as not saying anythin...