AirFie wah sepertinya iya sih gan, ane test encoding video pake cpu berjam-jam malah ga mati nanti ane coba tanyain ke teknisi dulu ane kemarin masih ragu antara psu ato vga...klo bener error vga lagi mahal soalnya :D
Permisi gan mau tanya, Pc dirumah ane sering mati monitornya klo buat maen game/rendering video tapi pc-nya masih hidup dan suara fan-nya langsung tau fan yang mana, kadang juga suara game yang dimainin masih muncul (ga ada bunyi beep ato bsod) Ane coba matiin manual dan nyalain lagi
DECEMBER 01. The House with a Clock in the Wall (2018) | Comedy | US 02. Colours of Wind (2018) | Drama | Japan 03. Laplace's Witch (2018) | Mystery | Japan 04. Leaving on 15th Spring (2013) | Drama | Japan 05. Night School (2018) | Comedy | US 06. Tori Girl (2017) | Sports | Japan 07. Johnny Engli
OCTOBER 01. Sori Voice from the Heart (2018) | Drama | South Korea 02. Flavors of Youth (2018) | Anime | Japan 03. The Last Shot in the Bar (2017) | Action | Japan 04. Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018) | Action | US 05. The Accidental Detective (2018) | Action | South Korea 06. A Promise (1998) | Drama |
SEPTEMBER 01. Askeladden I Dovregubbens Hall (2017) | Adventure | Norway 02. Jurassic World (2018) | Action | US 03. Shodo Girls (2018) | Drama | Japan 04. Champion (2018) | Drama | South Korea 05. Bleach (2018) | Action | Japan 06. Sicario: Day of the Soldado (2018) | US 07. Colossal (2016) | Come
August 01. Avenger: Infinity War (2018) | Action | US 02. Deadpool 2 (2018) | Action Comedy | US 03. Seven Years of Night (2018) | Thriller | South Korea 04. Destiny: The Tale of Kamakura (2017) | Drama | Japan 05. Us and Them (2018) | Drama | China 06. Ocean 8 (2018) | Crime | US 07. Sunset in My
APRIL 01. Psychokinesis (2017) | Action Fantasy | South Korea 02. Paddington 2 (2017) | Comedy | UK 03. Napping Princess (2017) | Animation | Japan 04. Cheese in the Trap (2018) | Drama | South Korea 05. Bleeding Steel (2018) | Action | China 06. Heart Attack (2015) | Drama | Thailand 07. Little Fo
kok gw ping ke -t selalu rto ya? di sini ada yg sama kaya ane? :bingungs wah senasib, udah semingguan lebih begini...normal cuma hari senin kemarin klo rto biasanya situs-situs inter .com gak bisa diakses musti refresh berkali-kali baru bisa, coba diping bisa :hammers loka
itu mobo buat ryzen support om, bahkan untuk ryzen apu sekalipun. btw udah coba update bios nya? kalo bios udah versi paling baru, ada kemungkinan ram yang gak cocok ama vgacard nya. ini daftar ram yang udah pasti bisa jalan di mobo + ryzen ada di sini. bios udah terbaru dari awal beli wah bisa
update windows & driver? instal windows nya aja tanpa driver apa nge-restart juga? install windows & driver tanpa di-update ke-2 nya apa nge-restart juga? kalo updetan bikin restart, mending jangan diupdate. mungkin emang ada bug di updetan nya. sudah dicoba gan, cuma install windows doa
permisi numpang tanya, minggu lalu ane coba rakit pc baru amd ryzen, begini speknya: Procie: AMD Ryzen 3 1300x Mobo: asrock a320m-hdv RAM: Vgen DDR4 4GB PC19200 VGA: GTX 1060 6GB PSU: Corsair 450W 80+ semuanya part baru masalahnya setiap abis update windows & update driver pc jadi restart2 t
DECEMBER Film: 01. Atomic Blonde (2017) | US 02. Rememory (2017) | US 03. Anarchist From Colony (2017) | South Korea 04. The Boy (2016) | UK 05. On the Beach at Night Alone (2017) | South Korea 06. The Conjuring (2013) | US 07. Re-encounter (2010) | South Korea 08. Valerian and the City of Thousand
NOVEMBER Film: 01. Wind River (2107) | US 02. All Nighter (2017) | US 03. Policeman and Me (2016) | Japan 04. March Goes out Like a Lamb (2017) | Japan 05. Gun Shy (2017) | US 06. RV: Resurrected Victims (2017) | South Korea 07. Memoir of a Murder (2017) | South Korea 08. The Mayor (2017) | South K