usd 199 299 sama 399 itu harga di walmart kah? khusus di US, setau gw kagak bisa dibeli secara online, musti dateng di apple store atau walmart dan sejenisnya trus langsung registrasi di tempat yg versi online udah pasti selangit lah best chance buat orang indo sih nitip beli sama kenalan di sono...
baru baca judulnya, tadinya gw ngarep bakal ada kisah bambang-joko:berbusa: ternyata beneran cowok-cewek:2thumbup
exhaust fan mungkin beneran bisa bikin adem, tapi polusi suara dari luar jadi masuk a.k.a berisik dong gan :D kalo malem2 baru seru-serunya make out, sound effect-nya juga bisa ke mana-mana:ngakaks
rite rite, nice to know you too yes:malu: it's been quite long since my last post in this thread i don't even remember when it was:ngakaks
yes i can tell so i found that people here are friendly thanks and sorry for the inconvenience back then:shakehand2 i guess i was overexcited back then, and wasn't prepared for such thing thanks for your advice :)
hi hi :shakehand2 i thought we're not here to show our english off but to make friends in fun instead thanks for quoting me yes:(
thanks for quoting my post man, and sorry if my previous post kind of rude:malu: just trying to make friends here:shakehand2 no worries, i ain't gonna die any soon, i have a world to conquer before it happen:hammer:
good day english roomers:D may i join this special room? as my english is just okay, i have nothing but gut to post here and try to interact with bright people around