\n:nohope:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nkamera: DSLR SE K660i :maho:maho\n:hammer:\n\nRisky Summerbee & the Honeythief\nbulb 2 detik\n\n\n\nmelancholic bitch \nbulb 2 detik\n\n\n\nefek rumah kaca\...
Lightproofing\nIf you want your pictures to be free from lightleaks, it's very important that no light at all can get into the camera other than through the pinhole! Black electrical PVC tape is very effective at keeping out light.\nThe most important places to seal are between the f...
Clicker\nDeciding how far to wind the film on between each photo can be a bit tricky. If you wind on too far, film is wasted. Wind on too little and you get double exposures. Here's a way to accurately wind on between each photo.\n\nYou need some fairly stiff plastic which is thi...
Making The Pinhole\nCut out a piece of aluminium from the drinks can, about 15mm square. Place the aluminium onto some thick cardboard. Using the fine sewing needle or sharp pin, gently press into the centre of the aluminium. Twist the pin between your fingers while doing this so that it slow...
\n\nYou Will Need\n-A matchbox ! \n-A new roll of 35mm film. Any type will do, but normal colour print film 100 or 200 speed works very well \n-An empty roll of 35mm film with at least 1cm stub of film sticking out Ask at your local photo labs, they normally throw away/recycle...