\n\n"We remember Kurt for what he was: caring, generous and sweet. Let's keep the music with us. We'll always have it.\n\nKurt had an ethic towards his fans that was rooted in the punk rock way of thinking. No band is special, no player royalty. If you've got a...
Rape Me\n\nRape me, my friend\nRape me again\n\nIÂ’m not the only one\nHey\n\nHate me\nDo it and do it again.\nWaste me\nTaste me, my friend.\n\nMy favorite inside source\nIÂ’ll kiss your open sores\nAppreciate your concern\nYouÂ’ll ...
\n\n"All drugs are a waste of time. They destroy your memory and your self-respect and everything that goes along with your self-esteem... they're a waste of time."\n\n-Kurt Cobain-
\n"We're just a new band that seems to be making it, and people might get bored of us pretty quickly. It's really weird seing yuppies dancing to our songs."\n\n-Kurt Cobain