but my respect for ur quote :malus... it lead me on some past moment were called teribble things.... i was the object what u have already talkd about. but im so happy now ... like in peace... :angel tq Ah, I see. And I'm very happy for you. Keep on loving on whoever or whatever you wanted to.
but my respect for ur quote :malus... it lead me on some past moment were called teribble things.... i was the object what u have already talkd about. but im so happy now ... like in peace... :angel tq Ah, I see. And I'm very happy for you. Keep on loving on whoever or whatever you wanted to.
dont stop to falling inlove again ,love its beautyfull if you found it,not have it, That's true my friend. Not a single thing belong to us. Not even your own well being. Cheers. :)
so you can feel it and you can through it :thumbup pejwan ya gan :cendols I am honored. Thank you for paying attention to what I wrote. :)
i think ur comments is what TS intended to Indeed. Yet I read several comments which are explaining how their love are basically stand upon sacrifices. And based on my and friends experiences, its a common things to find. Why can't we love based upon sincerity which is the right way to do it? W
Heart break makes you a better person. How? TS just explained it. One thing for sure, never hate your ex even when he/she cheated on you. Instead of hate, turn it into gratefulness. Why? he/she just gave you lessons of how to love a person properly and not take them for granted at all. If he/she ...
Cuma mau tanya dimana ya jual sketch book dalam bentuk binder, kalo bisa yang online hehe. Makasih :o gramed.
ijin share. baru ini belajar gambar realis. Masih in progress gan, masih butuh kritik banyak. maap kalo jelek. :D
CAKEP TAPI BHS. INGGRISNYA KEK TOKAI. :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak
Halo agan2 sekalian,, Ane nubie soal beginian tp pengen punya 3D projector + home theatre yg bisa maenin 3D SBS (kalo ga salah). Pilemnya sih donlot :ngakaks Yg worth the money kira2 apa yah? Kudu punya Xtreamer ato uda bisa langsung maenin dr bluray playernya langsung sih? Thanks for the help suhu
Henbane sama belladona hati hati itu kadar toxinnya tinggi Yup. Bener kata agan, mereka terkenal bgt efek halusinasinya. :shakehand2
jamur tahi sapi gak ada gan? efeknya sama tuh Udah tuh. Magic Mushroom nama kerennya. :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak
ini yg dinamakan "Mabok versi HERBAL" ya gan? :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak TUYYY!!! :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak ganja doang gan taunya, :hammer: itu ophium termasuk gak gan? Termasuk gan, bahan dasar heroin dan morphine. belum ane masukin tp :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak nice share gan, smoga agan2 g