Heres what to do to get prosim 737 beta working Use this file structure in main prosim737 folder 1st Input licence key (only need to do this once !!) then set date back to 2011 now run prosim 737 and after prosim737 is running run mcp efis cdu etc once mcp efis and cdu running you can now set d...
hi can anyone remomend any other sites like this for flight sim addons aswell as fsfilez thanks looking forward to some replys
heres prosim 737 beta licence all works except weather just set date to 2/ 2 /2011 for it to load then once loaded you can set date back to 2015
hello has anyone got any of these please thanks Aerowinx precision simulator 10 ----------------------------------------------------------- Aerosim Procedure Training .products Enhanced VPT Virtual Flight Deck . etc -------------------------------