like utteke stated "What do you mean by poor english? I can understand your post perfectly. It's great!" yup imho as long as you understand what you say and people including myself catch your idea i can say your english is alright. been learning english from many sources, including blur...
nope, I'm a girl :malus tpbm is a tall man indeed i'm the tallest amongst the dwarves is tpbm really jackie chan?
lol must be of one my sneakiness victim good sentence The Person Above Me didn't use The Person Below Me play rule Next PBM should use TPBM lol
Iya terharu, jadi kangen berita terakhir, aneka ria safari, dan lupa lagi judulnya opera wayang orang yang dibintangi Alm. Mono, Iskak, Ateng DKK di TVRI.
money can buy tons of candies with each candy explodes into tons of candies or things that look like candies, happy?
no, I'm not your servant tpbm can't speak english I speak orcish fluently person below me sells orcish accesories like goblin skull keychains and stuffs
have fun :D wcydw a math book? swat them flying bugs and count how many are down. wcydw a dead mouse?
Salam, mohon maaf sebelumnya jika saya kurang sopan dalam bertanya. Mudah-mudahan sub-forum ini membahas tanaman pangan juga. Saya sama sekali tidak mempunyai pengetahuan sedikitpun soal pertanian dan belajar dari buku atau video sulit sekal bagi saya. Saya baru akhir-akhir ini tertarik soal tanama
well i have to add 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 x8 centuries later, when there's only one genuine lady available in the universe haha