lebih baik jangan gan, lebih baik semirip mungkin sama manusia asli ga perlu bagus2 juga dan orang yang digambar itu harus ad pekerjaannya juga... CMIIW yaa :D:D:D
FANACC at Dodgers's stadium beruntung sangat beruntung :thumbup did i hear "after taiwan we're heading to indonesia next"??? ato ane yg slah denger nih?? :ngakaks
yg gosip yg gosip. . . . . . asumsi ane sih kayaknya gasoo galore dapet bocoran dari promotor ni makanya berani buka jualan ini. Emang tinggal nunggu waktu buat confirm kayaknya :ngacir: woaaahhh :matabelo semoga beneran jadi gan!! :beer:
Hyoyeon Shares Her Hardships After Debuting With Girls Generation http://www.soompi.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/0708-hyoyeon.jpg On July 8, Hyoyeon made an appearance on Mnet’s variety talk program “Beatles Code 2” where she shared the difficulties she faced after joining popular idol grou
Girls' Generation is hard at work for their world tour http://static1.allkpop.com/upload/af_org/Girls-Generation-Yuri-Jessica-Tiffany-Hyoyeon-Seohyun_1373306230_af_org.jpg With Girls' Generation putting on two amazing shows last month for their world tour, the girls are working harder than ever as
Girls' Generation's Hyoyeon shows off her blazing charisma for '1st Look' http://static1.allkpop.com/upload/af_org/Girls-Generation-Hyoyeon_1372897095_af_org.jpg Girls' Generation's Hyoyeon took the black-and-white trend to another level with her blazing charisma for '1st Look' pictorial that shou
Tiffany puckers up for Hyoyeon's Instagram! Tiffany puckered up for Hyoyeon's camera! The 'eye smile' and 'dancing' queens got together for a snapshot. Well, it looks like it's Tiffany's camera from the way her arm's stretched out, but it was posted to Hyoyeon's Instagram with the caption, "...
coba follow di twitter akun-akun fanbase soshi aja gan ato sone-sone yang sering update link kalo ad yang baru macem: @soneid, @IndoSoshi, @haljung, @soshified dsb ya rajin2 liat TL nya aj sih gan.. :D klo disini kan kita semua mengusahakan untuk selalu update mungkin gara2 lagi gak di depan kom...
When do Girls' Generation think they will no longer be considered as 'girls'? Girls' Generation were met backstage during their Seoul concert for their world tour and brought laughs by sharing some behind-the-scenes stories. On the June 15th broadcast of 'Entertainment Relay', when asked, "...
Girls' Generation 소녀시대_I GOT A BOY_Dance Teaser cr: lama amat yak ngeluarin dance ver nya :ngakak :ngakak
Girls' Generation's Yuri gives fans a peek at her 'trident abs' in a sporty pictorial for 'Cosmopolitan' http://allkpop.com/upload/content/Yuri_1369195496_20130521_yuri_cosmo_3.jpg Girls' Generation's Yuri, who is known for having 'trident abs', showed off the body she works hard to keep in a sport
Girls' Generation's Jessica becomes a modern-day Goldilocks in Paris for 'Vogue Girl' http://static1.allkpop.com//upload/af_org/Girls-Generation-Jessica_1369193072_af_org.jpg Girls' Generation's Jessica made a trip to Paris for a romantic pictorial in 'Vogue Girl's latest issue. Although Jessica h
Girls’ Generation’s Taeyeon Explains Controversial Instagram Photo http://d1i45kki000yqu.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/taeyeon-tumblr1.png Girls’ Generation‘s Taeyeon recently explained a photo of her music video set that she posted on her Instagram account. On May 19, Taeyeon
Hore udah keluar :kiss overall keren sih, biarpun agak keramean, berasa nonton sesuatu48 :hammer: btw, link itu gw download, kok gw gak bisa puter di vlc yah? :bingungs waduuh enggak tau deh gan klo itu :berdukas di ane lancar2 aja sih... codecnya mungkin ato di update lg vlc nya :malus