Hell yeah.. sorry no offense, but personaly i didnt like our current president. There is too many things went wrong since he take over the government. i see the ESDM regulation and law for the mining industry also give an excuse for the uncle sam's company. Its not fair and proving that our governm
Hi... Thanks a lot for your reminder! really appreciate it a lot since I am new to this forum! let me start again from beginning.. Pardon for my ignorance :sorry My name is Eni, currently work in a private bank as accounting staff. Was browsing around for oil and gas company information and stumbl
Hallo.. baru join. Saya tertarik untuk join ke company oil&gas. Sekarang saya kerja di salah satu bank swasta. Kata teman2, benefit karyawan di perusahaan migas sangat bagus. fasilitas rawat jalan, hospitalization, dll.. Tempat saya kerja sekarang juga tersedia. Apakah bisa dishare sedikit.. apa