TUTORIAL CARA MENJADIKAN handphone ANDROID ANDA MENJADI WEBCAM CARA Live/siaran menjadi host di situs siaranku.com
http://www.cliponyu.com/liveroom/1663198 numpang share channel COY gw gan, klo pgn liat gw main gitar live, or nge DJ thks
numpang share permainan gitar gw, audio aja, sorry audionya rada2 busuk....rekam make hp.... eqLbBACnmA8 I-Dee (Solo guitar)
I - Dee - I LosT In Space (Live FullL) I LosT In Space (original) VOTE ME: http://cliponyugottalent.com/post/2416
I Dee - In the Name of Love I - Dee - Not My Style (FULL Version) I - Dee - Not My Style (FULL Version)