Hello all .. Good Morning ... Long time no post here after i had got my job ... how are u everyone ??
bro ane mw mnta tlg buatin avatar dnx .. :D utk background pain nya aja ya* utk logo (diambil logo kaskuser aja y gan..) -------- :shakehand2 thanks before ...
bro ane mw mnta tlg buatin avatar dnx .. :D logo ----- logonya dtambah seperti ini ya gan utk background pain nya aja ya* utk logo (diambil logo kaskuser aja y gan..) -------- :shakehand2 thanks before ...
haha.. sure u will, u rarely to cook so u will be tired. btw, what kind of food u could cook?? western or eastern food?
ROFL..?? what's that? i don't have cooking stuff here.. i love and could cooking, but i haven't that things.. hohoho..
hhahaa.. i meant that btw.. ok.. i'll think about that.. no, i haven't yet.. i don't know what should i eat here, nothing's good.. :berbusa:
OMG, don't to be so serious.. it just forum. ok i know what u meant but i'm not like that person.. i just made a joke, but if u don't got it, i feel so sorry.. :capedes i won't do that anymore .. gezz
i meant u are the expert with ur job so it becomes easily to do by u.. have u got it?? ^ ^ btw, had ur breakfast?