i'm so left behind that today i've just discovered "Tik Tok" :wakaka the app is not useful for me tho
Which area? Got candidate in mind? I heard in Banten, they got only one candidate. Same goes to Tangsel and TangCity as well :eek everywhere except Jakarta and Jogja i voted the ex-past minister :p
excuse me, im sorry, i want to ask about this one, my aunt asking "why is there in the 'A : How were it' why using were?" because she is hesitate, she think it is incorrect but the teacher tells her that using 'were' is correct i answer her questions about that one erlier, my answer &q...
gan, may I ask about " "perubahan lingkungan" in english I tried to find it from dictionary and google, and this what I found : 1. A change in the environment 2. A changing environment 3. An environmental change So, from these three words, which one is correct, or maybe all are corr
gan, can you help me translate this two sentences to indonesian :( :dp :dp coba agan translate versi agan terlebih dahulu hehe :)
Gan kalo kalimat ini diterjemahkan ke bahasa inggris jadinya apa ya? "Pria tanpa pendirian" Fickle Men
Xixixixi Thankyou the leader of 94, tuton :wowcantik Happy Birthday sis! My birthday was yesterday lol :selamat
Hi.. this is my first thread using english languange and i'm still learning english. I need your correction when i get mistakes in this thread. Actually confused with grammar. Hahha. Okay please check it out! Well, i just wanna say that i feel different with our relationship. I dont know why this h
prepayment beda dari down payment, jadi klo mw stay disana harus bayar pd 30 hari pertama Kebijakan Pembayaran: 14 hari sebelum kedatanganmu, kartu kreditmu akan dikenai biaya per bulan/30 hari (atau kurang jika durasi menginapmu lebih pendek. Pembayaran awal pada 30 hari pertama diperlukan klo ...
https://s.kaskus.id/images/2018/05/20/9888809_201805201048150559.jpg Hello guys :insomnia i'm an introvert and i like this quote :p
What is this kepal milo? :rolleyes Sorry gooney not update about what's happening :malus Es Kepal is trending rn sis. it is just "es serut" put in a cup with toppings such as chocolates, milk, sweets etc. i tried it once and it was not worth the price
okay.. it's time to say good bye.. i'm gonna retired now :norose: i wanna say good bye to: mod fany666 hooney, desy/andre silva, mom mussup, dear ayik mommy dintha, inase, mom mega, ebi, yggdrasil, teuton, uncle lee, uncle marco, moony, sendal, flux, uncle bayu, and all can't be named :( all