ame ikut saran instal nvidia physx yg difolder RO krn sering kelempar, muncul ginian. you currently instaled version of the drivers is newer than what are you trying to instal. aborting instalation. trus muncul ini gan NVDIA physx was interupted before your new software was fully installed. y
help gann :sorry:sorry ane bisanya masuk smp pilih char doank, setelah mau masuk game langsung quit sendiri :sorry ad solusi????
salam damai bwt kaskus :iloveindonesia pasti damai2 kan :kiss nitip absen aja Fresco lvl 85++ :ilovekaskus
lama amat DLnya....huyuh...apa krn server luar ya?!? minta client lokal donk... :iloveindonesia:iloveindonesia