150214 - Berry Good at Mini Fanmeeting MBC Music Core http://s.kaskus.id/images/2015/02/15/7669560_20150215123653.jpg *klik gambar untuk melihat banyak foto*
List Perform 150210 - 150214 Berry Good - Because of You 150210 Berry Good - Because of You at SBS MTV The Show 150211 Berry Good - Because of You at Show Champion 150212 Berry Good - Because of You at M!Countdown 150214 Berry Good - Because of You at Music Core 150215 Berry Good - Becau...
150211 Berry Good at Show Champion cr : as tagged http://s.kaskus.id/images/2015/02/12/7669560_20150212123709.jpg http://s.kaskus.id/images/2015/02/12/7669560_20150212123729.jpghttp://s.kaskus.id/images/2015/02/12/7669560_20150212123740.jpghttp://s.kaskus.id/images/2015/02/12/7669560_2015021212374
150212 Sujeong at MBC SimSimTapa Radio 150212 Sujeong at MBC SimSimTapa Radio wah ini sujeong ya gan ?? btw ikut gabung dimari ya TS hehehe ada tim JIN disini ?? :ngakaks