Maaf nih sebelumnya saya newbie banget di kaskus hehe.. Saya ingin belajar bahasa inggris di kampung inggris. Tolong berbagi info pengalaman yah agan agan yang udah pernah berkunjung atau belajar kesana. Terimakasi. :ultah:ultah:ultah :repost::repost: Didn't you read that this is an ENGLISH FORUM?
He likes this MORE THAN that Or if grammar is strictly observed: He likes this MORE THAN he does (or, likes) that
Well, I guess there are some groups of people in here who are desperately searching for the "new fishes" for becoming the part of their fanatics community, I don't know the motive and I don't even care but it turns to be very annoying at least for me. :D Groups of idiots. And gosh, there
190 milliar banget nih???? uwaw... sedangkan indonesia nanti paling nunggu hasil penelitian dari inggris baru maju :ngakaks One more idiot. Any other idiots care to join?
bro..... are you hitting on this "girl?" :takuts Hahaha genders in the cyberspace can be very vague and confusing, aye? ....eerrr you are a guy, aren't ya? :D
well....topics on girls isn't interesting for me, because most people think i'm a girl and started to make a weird conversation with me (T_T) Haha I see. In that case let's do boys' talk. You do sports? BTW, you said you are one of LIA teachers. In Which branch do you teach? I may as well enroll
hi,i'm a newbie in this forum,so what's the hot issue for today? ^_^ Topics on girls are always the hot issues here :D Do you happen to be one?
Did I miss something here? Now that I barely understand what you guys are discussing, I begin to wonder if you still speak English here, really. Must be one of those writers' talks :D
Kalo mau gitu tetep hrs ada conjunction 'but'. Kalo gk mau pake 'but' bisa diganti semicolon ';' It'not about celebration but it's about sharing...... Or It'not about celebration; it's about sharing..... Oya, kita gk bisa gabungin dua independent clause pake koma, soalnya itu namanya comma splic...
Almost there :) In english we have a construction containing "...not only....but also" to express that: It's not only about celebrating, but also about sharing the happiness Very good try :)
1. Translate it yourself first 2. No contributors are allowed to do askers' assignments, homework, thesis and the like without their showing their efforts first. 3. Read the rules please
TENTANG ENGLISH CAFE BANDUNG English Cafe adalah lembaga kursus bahasa Inggris dengan konsep cafe pertama di Indonesia. Belajar lebih Fun, tidak boring dengan ditemani tutor dalam dan luar negeri. Juga, dalam beberapa waktu yang lalu English Cafe telah masuk dalam 20 lembaga kursus terbaik di Yogya