Today's quote:\ngive a sincere smile to everyone you meet and you'll wonder how much smile you'll get and how much it will make you happier.... :)
My Greatest Fear of All is GOD!\nAnd My Greatest Love of All is.... GOD!\n\n....Nothing Else Matters....
Forget The Past, Live Today and Plan for the Future!\n(Past tense, Present tense and Future tense) :D\n\nLive in peace and harmony together ever after.... :rose: :heart:
\nEh iya betul lho..... Thanks bgt ya gan. Skrg udah bisa :)\nTrus yg No. 1, gak bs ya buka dgn ADOConnection kl file accessnya pake password ?\n\n\nUdah coba beberapa kali tapi selalu dpt pesan:\nThe limit of traffic for your country is exceeded. Please retry later.\n...