Yaelah, kalo emg pingin menyiarkan tayangan yg ada nilai edukasi kenapa harus ashanty? kenapa gak masyarakat biasa aja. Udah nikahan live, lahiran pun live, capek deeeeh Bikinlah acara kyk dr. oz, gausa pake nyiarin live2an lahiran gak penting gt
because you are gay why you always eat soap? Because the soap is made of honey and milk Why do you live in this planet?
4179 soldiers - empat ribu seratus tujuh puluh sembilan prajurit 4180 ex-boyfriends - empat ribu seratus delapan puluh mantan pacar
the shining bright from your bald head give me a climax orgasm word : armor Do you wanna know what's the strongest armor in the world? It's the armor of our love lol next word: google