Desperately need FTX Central v2.1, can't find it anywhere,if anyone has it I would be grateful if you share it with me, I know v3 is out but kracked ORBX stuff doesn't work well with it TY
I received contact from a person very missed in here. I hope to be able to give out links to new FSX?P3D & some FS9 items. I have been trying, but most of what I have is older items. However The best person who ever added in here has contacted me and I hope to put up great NEW items as directed. to the member that sent the TREES BMP but
Avechelice, if you still are in contact with this forum, I want you to know that no mole or any sort of trouble that may be causing your absence from this forum can take away from the totally unselfish contributions you have made for the flight simulation community. Speaking for myself and many o...
Orbx Various ORBX GLOBAL PRODUCTS FTX Global: Base v1.40 Code: Select all FTX Global: Vector v1.35 Code: Select all FTX Global: openLC Europe v1.20 Code: Select all FTX Global: openLC NA Ala
If anyone has this please share. ty
dude could 1 tree texture ruin some of the best scenery make it unusable,,, even kai tak?? Yes it can, apparently the scenery is using a default texture which happens quite often.
I USED NO TEXTURE CLEANERS and didnot move any folders, and YES it is FLY TAMPA sceneries 99.9% and that stupid scansim scenery and it all started when i added that FLYTAMPA TAMPA REBOOTED and i have noooooooooooo clue what textres are missing,,,,,, i have 500 addn scenerires and am no in the mood
hello ppl! i am having problems with almost every FSDT airports: as i chose the apt and the gate (or runway) tha plane crash into apparently nothing. using p3dv3 (and compatible airports). do you have same issue? Deactivate crash detection in the sim