Wah ga mungkin lah gameloft ada kejadian ky gni. Ane dlu wkt thn 2012 prnah k gameloft s.alnya d kmpus ane ngadain kunjungan industri gtu. Beuh... Tempatnya enak bgt gan. Wkt rombongan ane dateng lngsung disambut baik sma org gameloftnya. Ruang kerjannya jg mantep lah, nyaman bgt. Wkt itu ane n rom
BAJE***NGAN KOE PANG...SAH NYEBUT JENENG CUK!!! :batabig :batabig Calm down boy, he's on your side, so you wouldn't be harm again in the future, we fight for human rights and deliver idea in a GLOBAL FORUM. Love - VL-
yang mana yang karyawan gan? kalo karyawan mah pinginnya bantuin perusahaan buat naik daun. yaaahhh mungkin dengan berita aneh (tapi bukan gameloft lho :malus) There is something right with his statement, we need more detail about the issue, because this is GLOBAL FORUM, we must make a defense if t
bajilaaaakkk..fotone meksi nggilani tenan faaakkk Ati2 bob, watch out your mouth, this is GLOBAL FORUM...kowe iso dimintai pertanggung jawaban lho neg nyebar isu ra bener
NO pict Hoax I have one of the victim here, please stop animal abuse! we are doing legal here, no crime or anything...so please stop this kind of anarchy!http://s.kaskus.id/images/2014/11/10/7355913_20141110103444.jpg
I feel sorry for you guys, really it's rather sad when I hear about it, we hope this kind of issue will not happen again, if not you can reopen it. love - VL-