Penampakannya gan :ngakak :D PBB bintang 5? Outrageous! LOL
Kyknya kita mengalun di drift masing2, so I dont catch yours, karena selain mas mis misunderstood ttg apa yg saya harapkan, this conv starting to go waay out of line. Utk pak S, saya ndak ada niatan utk mendiskreditkan or anything, nggih pak? Salam. Forgive me, by having a different point of vie...
You know what, lets call it off for awhile, ok? I considered both of us to be funny, I really do :) . I, too, hate those junkies blabbering at BP's since jokowi headlining everything :D, but I wont draggin' this conversation off the grid and starting to make others think of us such "stubbor...
am I insulting your geeks there? come on man, its weekend :) lighten up :) nothing fishy disini...honestly. just sort of a "celoteh ringan di akhir minggu", ga ada tendensi utk menyebar or menjauhkan isi dan makna thread ini hingga kemana2. lalat BP? troller? geez man, what's wrong wit...
Hahahaha,jadi ingat tulisan bang Sam,yg prnh nulis berapa banyak kalong Rusia dijadikan paniki di Ukraina sono. Enaknya kalong bakar :D remember, even if the source is credible and trustable, consuming such stories from one side only...rasanya kyk gimana ya :D with all due respect to bang S ya