just flash it trough twrp recovery, I gave the link how to install twrp with rashr on previous pages and u can find gapps on 1st page just search it, gapps still the same one with previous version as long android version still 4.4.2. sorry for my bad English. thank you very much .. it's worked .
just flash it trough twrp recovery, I gave the link how to install twrp with rashr on previous pages and u can find gapps on 1st page just search it, gapps still the same one with previous version as long android version still 4.4.2. sorry for my bad English. thank you for response . but the file
ane udah berhasil update ke 1.25 gan http://s.kaskus.id/images/2014/10/27/3724598_201410270923200084.png Hello Sorry i only speak English . i update my Phone to 1.25 and google play didn't work any more . can any body give me Gapps working on the last update 1.25 ? thank you .