koding simpennya kykny gak salah, cara nampilnya yg harus di ubah tapi kalo mau ikutin struktur database yg benar, itu kolom lama_parkir tidak seharusnya ada Berikut detailnya gan : Di Ms.Access - No_Kartu = Text - Jam_Masuk = Date/Time - Jam_Keluar = Date/Time - Lama_Parkir = Date/Time Codingan...
castalia, bisa buat garis penghubung, tp gak bs warnai tulisannya. cari sndiri ya http://s.kaskus.id/images/2015/12/17/4929022_20151217102028.jpg gan ada yang tau cara buat begin, end, else then dll di delphi console apllication jadi bermacam2 warna gak gan? dan ada garis penghubung juga setiap be
Bang...nanya, aku ad coba di agya, kok fuel level & status nya gak kebaca ya, pdhl mpg nya ada Makasih bang
No .. I usually use mysql or sqlite. TRANSFORM and PIVOT are not standard SQL, I guess ... :bingungs but .. let's try use this: TRANSFORM Format(Max(TimeValue(DateTime1)),"Short Time") SELECT FROM Table1 WHERE blabla = 1 GROUP BY PIVOT Format(DateTime1,"dd"); and TRANSFO
if Table1 structure is like this SSN | DateTime1 10 | 12/12/2012 01:10:00 10 | 12/11/2012 02:00:00 12 |12/12/2012 01:10:00 12 |12/13/2012 01:10:00 and then i used SQL in both QIn and QOut, the difference is only on the WHERE TRANSFORM Format(Max(TimeValue(DateTime1)),"Short Time") SELE...
You can do this: select "QIN." + View1.Field1 as JoinField1 from View1 union select "QOUT." + View2.Field1 as JoinField1 from View2 or select "QIN", View1.Field1 as JoinField1 from View1 union select "QOUT", View2.Field1 as JoinField1 from View2 ... didn
Most people in this subforum can speak English. I thought you were joking when you used English and Indonesian, so I used Javanese :hammer I'm not sure about Access but, can you create View in Access? That way, you can manipulate the View instead. yeah luckily google translate know javanese :nga
first of all i want to say thank you for trying to help me, and thank god you can speak english :matabelo if Table1 structure is like this SSN | DateTime1 and then i use this SQL in both QIn and QOut, the difference is only on the WHERE TRANSFORM Format(Max(TimeValue(DateTime1)),"Short Time...
This is the case of training in English or it is the destination? Why Indonesian language with English-language e-invariant homogeneous modern ... eniweh ... this case is not the problem in Delphi, but the query must be made dishes ... like you'd be-e ... select "Qin" + name field...
hi everyone, please i need some help on project i'm working with i have 2 query that do a crosstab query those query results are like this i'm currently using a msaccess database, any suggestion is accepted, even if it's not a msaccess sql i might can find a similar command in msaccess or...if you