there is no kind of book like that you must buy CD/Cassette with Explicit Content in label thanks for this information. But I want to search book from batistella and very difficult that book.
this a good topic I need a lot of information about taboo words, I need some references books about taboo words, if you any reference tell me as soon as possible. thank you
Thread ini keren karena justru mempromosikan film2 tersebut. Ane jadi penasaran sama Trilogi Merdeka, hehehe.. sama gan jadi pengen nonton. ftv:wakaka
Nama; Satibi No. WA:0857-8262-4356 Domisili; Tangerang Bisnis: Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa Motivasi; mandiri tanpa gaji tapi mampu berdiri dengan menggaji
Hengpon ente salahin.. :wkwkwk Ente kali yg dah siwer :Peace: wkwkwkwkwkww :shakehand2:shakehand2:shakehand2 siwernya kaco nih.