nice inpoh gan.. BTW... tuh malingshit mo ngakuin silat dr negaranya lagi yah?? Waahhh benar2 kurang ajar benar yah!
hahaha...\n\n\ni've know that article was posted almost one year ago. But, this is the first time for me to renew it..\n\n\nBut..\nThanks for d'suggestion sis...
pengen jg ne invest. tp bingung gw apa yg mo diinvestkan.. coz masih banyak kebutuhan n pengeluaran ne. :maho:maho:maho
\n\nDespite the intensive and short period of the course, I was able to get friend with other students, sepecially those from Hong Kong. I am very fortunate to have taken Prof. Choi's managerial accounting. What I've experienced through this course is just inexplicable. BUT, I a...