*sumber : http://www.filmketikacintabertasbih.com/\n\n\n\nHARI INI TGL 11 JUNI 2009\n\nKBC alias Ketika Cinta Bertasbih\n\nTAYANG PERDANA di seluruh bioskop di Indonesia\n\nTrailer\n\n\n\n-sekian sekilas inpoh-\n\n\n\n\n&...
\n\nhttp://www.kaskus.co.id/showpost.php?p=34569581&postcount=5\n\ndi waca ndipit sing genah ya ben ora takon maning :p\n\nhttp://www.kaskus.co.id/showpost.php?p=80157719&postcount=13\n\nsing kiye kumpulan game me, sing PSX ISO ya....\n\ndonloti siji siji b...
donlot PSX baen kang.... P3 ya isa koh.... game me pilihane malah akeh bgt.... kabeh game PS1.... tp ya kuwe.... nek aplikasi PSX ke seh cilik paling mentok ke 500 mb, nek gem me ya ana sing 1gb tp seh rata² 500 mb :D\n\nlink nge nang kaskus gamer :D
ana sing isa ngolet na game revolt ra?\n\nsing versi instalan aja sing versi PSX\n\nRevolt kuwe game balapan remote control :D\n\nnek isa maning link lokal :D\n\nsuwun \n\n:ngacir:
\n\nRelease Date: 17 April 2009 (USA) \n\nGenre: Action | Crime | Drama | Fantasy \n\nTagline: He was dead...But he got better \n\nPlot: Chelios faces a Chinese mobster who has stolen his nearly indestructible heart and replaced it with a battery-powered ticker tha...
GTG = Grant Turismo Games\n:ngacir:\n\nI think Phyta was correct GTG means Going To Go\nI think :hammer: