ho ho ho . . . rainy season was coming. what about your place ? was it cames.to your place . . . ( am madiun kota )
what was that? can you tell me what's "kopi cilik gathel" ? so do i, i also drink a cup of milk sometime, and esspresso,... :ngakaks it's depend with something that i create in my area :ngakaks whatever,.. let's start,. what do you do? hi gan...what about it gan " where is
yes please, i just looking for someone to talk each other here :D what kind of topic u want to talking about
what kind of coffee that u've drunk before gan,.. usually kopi cilik gathel gan with only a thausand rupiah
i did it, in the morning i got one esspresso,... :ngakaks thats the right thing to start d day. with d only a thousand i got a cup of kopi
hi sir.... Welcome to our forum. Actually im old but im new he he.....leave it. I am veryglad to c u here. So we can introduce ourself. We can start with a quesyion...do u like "ngopi" verymuch???? hi....not soo much. but now i do it. come join me.
hai dude,... good evening, today is really terrible for me, i got crash with my partner in office, and it's make me hurt,.. but yeeah i've to survive in that place :( how about you? dude. yesterday was away. lets thing about today and the honourable first is "NGOPI" after that . . .
when i do nothing. i try write something that is " hi everybody, goog enening!!!! and hopefully someone reply it and we make any conversation.
I've got handshake with her, and it's really awkward cz i don't know what will i say to her, i just close my mouth and be quiet. i know that she's know what i feel, but yeah it's complicated, she's gonna be so far from me,... is it true story ???or what
and whar your plan with your nwxt week end but now the weekend is over :ngakak good evening my friends :travel hi mr. puguh
Bantu jawab semampunya :D kalau agan kocok kemudian warnanya berubah jgn kaget gan. Ntar agan diemin lg bakal kembali kewarna alaminya, dari penjelasan awal agan sepertinya ente punya madu asli :cool iya ni gan. berangsur angsur berubah k warna semula. ini memang madu asli gan katanya.
sip markusip. langsung ane praktekin tips dari agans sekalian.kebetulan ane baru d kasih madu temen ane dari pacitan jatim. 1. ane oles ni madu ke kertas koran n ga meresap tu madu kemana mana. 2. ane tuang madu ke air n ga campur tu dua zat cair. 3.ane kocok tu madu n bener ada sedikit letupan pas
yeah, but you can copy a quote and paste it on another, so it will looks like multiquote. or you can use "@" and type another ID to quote them, i'm sure they will understand what do you mean :D thanks a lot agan
before i answer it, i wanna tell you if my english is bad, so please fix my grammar if i'm wrong :D ===== as i know a multiquote facility is only available on dekstop only, so if you wanna make it on phone you must do it manually thanks :shakehand2 thanks gan. so we can make single quote on
good afternoon agans. i have a question, how to make a multiquote using an android.actually i use galaxy young duos such a small phone. thank you