HELPER = penolong = OB = bersih2 SERVER= pelayan = OB = bersih2 STEWARD = tukang cuci piring = OB = Bersih2 Ga da beda nya NYEEEET novel!! Gayaaa lu gayuung WC umum!! Inget waktu Di Boedoet lu MABOK nipam, rohipnol, megadon!"" Lu dah teler trus lari molor ke istiqlal di lantai 1? Deket
Boleh Request Album Far East Movement Full ? Yg didepan link nya udah ga bisa di buka.. Thx Before :cendols
^ kasih stickernya ke ane juga donk :p :malus heboh bener Line 2NE1, si Dara pake pamer abs nya :matabelo add aja Line ane gan : chocolatesoy nanti ane bagi stikernya tp ga bs di copy
JUST INFO anyone who has LINE account can add 2ne1 official account bom and dara is controlling! LOL :ngakaks mereka tuh dari pagi (park sisters) small park and big park, mereka sebut dirinya itu :ngakaks kayak tadi pagi BOM kirim GOOD MORNING sama video mereka berdua haha :D So cute and jangan sa
Hello agan Galih.. dah lama kgk mampir ksni, kangen juga.. Nih yg punya rumah udah ilang ditelan bumi
Hello mau Request Progressive House : 1. Better Half Of Me 2. Never Be Alone 3. Live My Life 4. Concrete Angel 5. Fable Thanks Before :cendolbig
Jgn khawatir nanti kan December dpt THR natalan haha... so rame yg nonton :Yb @TeddeaLYou Yuhuuu Long time not see..
Ohmaygat..... So SEXY !!!! Gila konsepnya bner2 berubah total, Mizny nya jg makin dewasa makin jadi 2NE1 NOLZA !!
2NE1s new single I Love You reached the top of the charts a few hours after its July 5th KST release. Fans have been looking forward to the release of the full music video for the track ever since the teaser and album jacket making-of were revealed. Blackjacks can now mark their calendars ...
Thx Linknya Gan :cendolbig Wah udah allkill aja nih :thumbup Btw kok MV nya ga ada yah? Ga di Release barengan?