AcaraDoggy is BACK IN (GOLDEN) TOWN! Celebrating one of the most anticipated period of 2016, @AcaraDoggy is extremely spirited to invite you to attend our human & dog 6-day pop-up market on FEBRUARY 2-7 (Tuesday to Sunday) At PIK 2 AcaraDoggy is BACK IN (GOLDEN) TOWN! Celebrating one of the most anticipated period of 2016, @AcaraDoggy is extremely spirited to invite you to attend our human & dog 6-day pop-up market on FEBRUARY 2-7 (Tuesday to Sunday) At PIK AcaraDoggy is BACK IN (GOLDEN) TOWN! Celebrating one of the most anticipated period of 2016, @AcaraDoggy is extremely spirited to invite you to attend our human & dog 6-day pop-up market on FEBRUARY 2-7 (Tuesday to Sunday) At PIK AcaraDoggy is BACK IN (GOLDEN) TOWN! Celebrating one of the most anticipated period of 2016, @AcaraDoggy is extremely spirited to invite you to attend our human & dog 6-day pop-up market on FEBRUARY 2-7 (Tuesday to Sunday) At PIK
Permisi gaan Untuk watercasenya yg bagus merk apa yah? Sm monopodnya? Truss yg jual dmna? Makasih bisa check di jakartanotebook gan watercasenya ada disana. kalau merek monopod attanta atau yifeng
Gile gan dulu ane paling suka buyung upik wkwkwk Nah terus biasanya juga ada pecel gan di tempat ane wkwk jadi kangen sama mbok jamu
wkwkwk. gile gan latih pernafasan emang sesek banget sih kalau lagi jam2 padet. wkwkwk lanjutkan gan :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak
paling ngeselin tu data corruption idm gan! udah download bergiga2, tinggal 0,01% eh korup! :mad balik lagi ke nol dah :capedes BEHH NI BENER BANGET GAN. wkwk :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak
respect gan sama yang pemain musiknya, they are the real entertainers :toast :toast :1thumbup :2thumbup yang koki juga hebat sih gan, antara dia emang sengaja minum ato ga disengaja tp alcohol save his life :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:
nah ini ane pernah ini! ini yang ristart2 sendiri itu ya gan? iya gan biasa sih ini gara2 harddisk rusak gan yg ane tau, sama windowsnya juga
nih gan ane tambahin klo yg pake windows