yang udah pakai samsung 32f5500 tolong dong review??? itu udah support saluran/channel digital blm ya??
ini apa maksudnya Access to the adverts has been denied You have failed to solve the Cat CAPTCHA too many times. For this reason you are being denied access to the ads until 2013-01-08 04:10 EST. Please make sure you understand how the Cat CAPTCHA works to avoid this on the future. Click here for...
mohon bantuan kok jadi begini ya : Access to the adverts has been denied You have failed to solve the Cat CAPTCHA too many times. For this reason you are being denied access to the ads until 2013-01-08 04:10 EST. Please make sure you understand how the Cat CAPTCHA works to avoid this on the future.
Boleh ga ya ajak siswa ane berkunjung ke gedung putih..gedung putih yg dibogor aja boleh,masa disana ga boleh.