why brits if you could go Irish ? In fact, I dont care about grammar and pronounciation. I would go Irish all the way, with its own spelling and pronounciation. oh, and also its whiskey.
TS berbaik hati sekali, mengucapkan kalimat itu biar kita tahu... TS rela tidak sukses biar kita bisa punya banyak perusahaan HIDUP TS!!!
http://s.kaskus.id/images/2014/11/03/703326_20141103125045.png FYI : It's grammatically correct. And why using 'fuck' when there's much more cooler swear words. Example : 1. Arsehead 2. Assmuncher 3. Axwound 4. wankjob 5. etc..
yang nommer 2 salah gan. dulu waktu kecil gua pernah dibilang ga bisa waktu mau nginjek api. terus gua injek aja, soalnya nothing is impossible di mata tuhan. hasilnya kaki gua melepuh, sampe 3 minggu diobatin.:berdukas:berdukas
hallo bro ane kadang mikir gtu, jomlo identik dengan cupu liat aja tuh d ftv pasti yg pakaiannya keren kaga jomlo giliran anak2 dengan style kemeja d masukin pada jomlo yah ane sih bukan ngetawain gan, tp heran aja 2014 masih aja kemeja d kedalemin makanya belajar fashion ama org bandung dan jakart
Recently there's a reporter in Cambodia who's murdered (axed to death) because his investigation on illegal logging. And that's not the first one in Cambodia. here's the link Our illegal logging in Sumatra and Kalimantan has a good cover up so they never appear in news for w...
What's with Leo Dicaprio ? Actually because the book's mentioned in Murakami's norwegian wood. Hey hey, wow wow, please don't say that you're against mr. mustache ? The bus way's system has never been this better, and so does the hospital, and the monorail. Hell, i...
Oh my gawd. And here I am thinking that I'll have my simple and nice old kaskus forever. May god have mercy on their soul. Haven't read it, but I know arsene lupin. He's not the hero type isn't he ? The fact that he's a thief and working on the opposite side of law is c...
I'm so flattered that a little girl called me handsome :P What's hot ? Didn't go to EF for months, fill me in Gossip Queen !!