Belakangan ini lagi sering nonton filem sex-thriller. Beberapa yg baru ditonton minggu ini 1. Wild Things (1998) -> ada Matt Dillon, cewek filem Scream (lupa namanya), Kevin Bacon, ama cewe filem Bond (lupa juga namanya). Felem yg lumayan OK, plotnya juga lumayan menarik. Mengenai guru yg ditu...
Dear Agan2 kontributor, mohon bantuannya nih buat referensi calon thesis ane: Title: ISO/IEC 27001 implementation in public organizations: A case study Author: Sussy, B.; Wilber, C.; Milagros, L.; Carlos, M. Publisher: IEEE
Paling bagus pake telstra, tapi yah harga paling tinggi. Laptop gak bakalan dicek, kecuali kalo mencurigakan sekali (tapi yang diliat bukan software). Hmm, kalo gitu yg paling mending apa ya?? Yg harga gak tinggi, tapi kualitas menengah lah..
Halo agan2, ada yg tau, kartu handphone yg optimal pake apa buat di sydney ?? dan jg, kalo mo ke sydney, di airport ntar dicek laptopnya gak sih ?? soalnya ane punya laptop isinya sopwer bajakan semua nie:ngakak:ngakak
Sore gan, mau request jurnal, boleh ya.. 1. Title : The T cell repertoire in infection and vaccination: implications for control of persistent viruses Author : Miles P Davenport, David A Price, Andrew J McMichael3 In : Current Opinion in Immunology Volume 19, Issue 3, June 2007, Pages 294–300 h...
Pagi gan, mau minta bantuan lagi nie, skrg boleh dua ya..:malus:malus 1. Title : The origin of genetic diversity in HIV-1 Author : Redmond P. Smytha, Miles P. Davenport, Johnson Maka In : Virus Research, Volume 169, Issue 2, November 2012, Pages 415–429
Sore gan, rikues lagi yah:malus:malus 1. Title : An empirical method for the prediction of T-cell epitopes Author : Miles P. Davenport, Ivan A. P. Ho Shon, Adrian V. S. Hill In : Immunogenetics, September 1995, Volume 42, Issue 5, pp 392-397
Pagi gan, minta jurnal lagi yah.. 1. Title : Estimation of T-cell repertoire diversity and clonal size distribution by Poisson abundance models Author : Nuno Sepúlvedaa, Carlos Daniel Paulinob, Jorge Carneiroa In : Journal of Immunological Methods, Volume 353, Issues 1–2, 28 February 2010, Pa
Pagi agan2 semua, rikues jurnal lagi ya.. 1 . Title : Estimating Cytomegalovirus Growth Rates by Using Only a Single Point Author : Cromer D, Tey SK, Khanna R, Davenport MP. In : Journal of Virology 2013 Mar;87(6):3376-81. doi: 10.1128/JVI.02821-12.
silakan gan..... Wah, mantapzzz.. Makasih banyak gan, malem minggu baca jurnal:hammer, tar malem bole minta lagi kn:malu.. :ilovekaskus
mau share link beasiswa nie: 1 . ke UK (Carinya berdasarkan bidang studi) 2. ke AUS Di kedua tempat tersebut sering di post lowongan beasiswa (terutama PhD) :ilovekaskus
jadi inget masa masa sd :berdukas maennya pake koin 100 perak warna kuning dulu koinnya 500 perak kalo ane gan:ngakak:ngakak Wah, makasih banyak gan:shakehand2 boleh minta lagi ?:malu 1 . Title : Methods for comparing the diversity of samples of the T cell receptor repertoire Author : Venturi V, Kedzierska K, Turner SJ, Doherty PC, Davenport MP In : J Immunol Method wah, thx banget gan, cepet banget, sayang ga ada cendol gan:ngakak :2thumbup
Siang gan, ane mau rikues jurnal nie: 1. Title : Method for assessing the similarity between subsets of the T cell receptor repertoire Author : Venturi V, Kedzierska K, Tanaka MM, Turner SJ, Doherty PC, Davenport MP In : J Immunol Methods 2008, 329(1-2):67-80.
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