:ngakak :sorry because i ever do that to someone, why you use quick reply? because i not using this why you edit your post?
because may be it's a rapid way to get a fullbar why your Prime username is trishia ? :o becuase trishia is my real name :malu: why you say my name?
because i need account for cendol collector and brick collector why dont you just buy a cendol on fullbar service ? becuase i don't want spend my money for this why you choosing plan buy cendol?
rumor, you not take a bath when ill, rumor or fact? rumor you like bathing in warm water baths, rumor or fact?
fact, you use your friend id to give me cendol, rumor or fact? maybe fact one id only you have a lot id sharing, rumor or fact?
0 yo Hoay when you write "read rules" for the first time? 4 y.o on the lesson english hoay when you got high score on class room?
no tpbm are thrishia familyhttp://puu.sh/8Mjy2.gif maybe http://puu.sh/8Mjy2.gif tpbm want be my family http://puu.sh/8Mjy2.gif
rumor, ade kurniawan is a nice name, rumor or fact? maybe fact because he is my bf :peluk you hate ade kurniawan, rumor or fact?
rumor,, you want to rl abuse him in dc, rumor or fact? rumor, i don't like abuse him in dc you want rl abuse someone now, rumor or fact?
no, rumor,, you need more holiday, rumor or fact? rumor, i now need more with mom :( you always hear a song before sleep, rumor or fact?
you mean my uncle ade? :think: rumor you spend your evening with a meals with a someone special, rumor or fact?