I did not find pdf version. Try next time to find out. I hope other kaskuser may help you Thank you gan.. agan emang top markotop..
Nih http://gigadownload.net/pliki/book246_pdf.zip NB: Not tested (Kuota inet lagi cekak) :berdukas Maaf kalo ternyata salah. Terima kasih gan,, Tapi itu bukan buku Longman Gan.. isinya malah Tutorial.. Kalau agan nemu buku Longman Introductory Course For Toefl Test - Paper Test.. Tolong di uplo
Longman Intro Course TOEFL Test: iBT Student CD-ROM Providing both a comprehensive language skills course and a wealth of practice for all sections of the test, the Longman Introductory Course for the TOEFL® Test: IBT, by Deborah Phillips, gives intermediate students (scores of 450 to 520 on th...
Agan2/ Suhu2 ane request buku "Longman Introductory Course For The Toefl Test" dong.. http://s.kaskus.id/images/2014/07/02/6944378_20140702063321.jpg Bagi2 agan2 yang punya ebook ini tolong diupload ya gan.. smg menjadi amal jariyah.. Thank you gan..
Gan, Request Buku Longman Introductory Course for the Toefl Test dong.. http://s.kaskus.id/images/2014/06/30/6944378_20140630122416.jpg tolong ya gan, butuh banget nih..