Terima kasih banyak, Gan... :) Minta lagi bole? Hehe... Berhubung 1 post cuma bole 1 request... :) Judul: The Effects of Family-Business Related Characteristics and Strategic Planning on Corporate Entrepreneurship Autho
Terima kasih banyak Gan Kalo bisa ane minta lagi Gan... Ni jurnalnya... Judul: Effectiveness of Entrepreneurship Education in Higher Education Institutions Author: Astri Ghina Publisher: Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 21 February 2014, Vol.115:332–345, doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.02.4...
Malem, Gan... Mau minta tolong jurnal ni... Buat skripsi... Judul: Entrepreneurship and Education: Creating Business Awareness for Students in East Java Indonesia Author: Cholichul Hadi, Ismail Suardi Wekke, Andi Cahaya Publisher: Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 22 April 2015, Vol.177:459
Gini, Gan... Sesuai judul. Ane kan jadi dropshipper. Nahh... Terus ada yg mau jadi dropshipper ane. Terus gimana ni? Ane kasi kontak ke supp ane ato gimana? Apa ane kasi harga diskon tapi ane tetep ambil untung gitu ya? Misal ane ambil untung 30rb, karena dia jadi dropshipper, ane ambil untung 10rb