1) judul = Barron's IELTS with Audio CDs, 3rd Edition pengarang = Dr. Lin Lougheed tahun terbit = 2013 penerbit = Barron's Educational Series 2) judul = Barron's IELTS with Audio CDs: International English Language Testing System pengarang = Dr. Lin Lougheed tahun terbit = 2010 penerbit = Barron'...
pesan buku ielts dong... 1) judul buku = Cambridge IELTS 9 Student's Book with Answers: Authentic Examination Papers from Cambridge ESOL (IELTS Practice Tests) pengarang = Cambridge ESOL tahun terbit = 2013 penerbit = Cambridge University Press 2) judul buku = Cambridge IELTS 8 Student's Book with
pesan buku USP 36 NF 31 U.S. Pharmacopoeia National Formulary penerbit = United States Pharmacopeial tahun = 2012 pengarang = United States Pharmacopeial Convention terima kasih...
1) Judul = Human Molecular Genetics, Fourth Edition Pengarang = Tom Strachan, Andrew Read Tahun = 2010 Penerbit = Garland Science 2) Judul = Human Genetics: From Molecules to Medicine Pengarang = Christian Patrick, Johannes, Dr. Potocki Lorrain Tahun = 2011 Penerbit = Lippincott Williams & Wilki
1) pengarang = Alexander Kuklin judul buku = How Do Witches Fly? A practical approach to nocturnal flights tahun terbit = 1999 penerbit = Dna Press 2) pengarang = Alison McGhee judul buku = Only a Witch Can Fly tahun terbit = 2009 penerbit = Feiwel & Friends 3) pengarang = Eugene Harkins judul b