It’s reported Banco BPM has rejected Milan’s guarantees to access financial bonds, so Leonardo Bonucci and Lucas Biglia still can’t be registered. The Rossoneri signed both players last month for €42m and around €17m, but while their contracts have been deposited with the Lega Serie A, ... Barcelona, Real Madrid, Manchester City and Manchester United are after Gianluigi Donnarumma, and reports suggest Milan may sell him. The 17-year-old prodigy is one of the few truly bright aspects of the Rossoneri's season, but hi
Alhamdulillah lulus juga gan... sampe ketemu d kementrian yg sama... ada yg d dikmen g gan sis? Ane dikmen gan...Kopdar kita kayaknya..satkernya apa?
besok ane jg interview disana gan..huahahahah...moga2 bisa dah ah..ketemuan disana ya gannn:ilovekaskuss