Absen dulu guys baru beli Xbox One nih. Gamertag gw luftwavve. Skrng lagi aktif main destiny server NA. Xbox One di Indonesia bisa di connect ke live ga ya buat multiplayer support? kalo bisa, how's the latency?
Pam 233 bro. Ini juga baru mulai coba2 pam. Pertama kali liat 233 langsung kepincut haha. Cakep bro! :1thumbup PAM tipe apa ya? Sorry baru demen liat PAM jadi kurang ngerti model" nya. Smua kembar" buat ane, sob.:2thumbup
Absen dulu bro, member baru di kaskus and Jam.. http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e31/Alvent_w/photo2.jpg
Perkenalkan bro member baru di thread in dan kaskus, Wrist shot of the day http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e31/Alvent_w/photo2.jpg Still waiting for Toshi straps. In the mean time, have to use the oem straps.