Hi bangrojak, glad you can make it to SMF. Emang enak jadi WR, kecuali capek nya. Kalo yang masih muda muda sih ok ok aja, tapi yang udah tua kayak gua, ya berarti sering minta subs...... Masalahnya u have to run hard on every play (kalo enggak ketauan bolanya kagak utk elu pada play tsb). \n...
Yeah i love what the Packers did in the draft. BJ Raji is a perfect nose tackle in the 3-4 scheme they are running over there. Being a SC alumni, i love Clay Matthews esp since he was a local product (Agoura Hills). This is the guy who came to play at USC as a walkon. Got good outside speed, can ...
Credit the Jets, they were aggressive. Got their franchise QB in Sanchez and future RB in Greene (paling tidak harapan mereka begitu). Tapi pada saat yang bersamaan mereka trade a lot of their picks, so they better be RIGHT on these 2. \n\nPats always have a good draft and this year was n...
seperempat abad??? 25 tahun?? Masih muda bangeeettt.....\nGua aja udah hampir 40 masih main tiap minggu nih...
I know, sad huh.... I remember back then how much i used to love those GSOT (greatest show on turf) him, Bruce, Faulk, Warner, Hakim, Proehl, etc etc. That Martz spread offense was a joy to watch. All those option reads, skinny posts, short crossing patterns. That will be a nightmare for DBs but ...
Iya, emang jarang banget pemain asian in the NFL. Hines Ward is half Korean. Johnnie Morton is half Japanese. Nakamura of the Ravens is Japanese. \nKalo Japanese mustinya cowboysfan yang hafal, tapi dia hafalnya different kind of Japanese\n\n\n
Iya world league udah di cancel, kagak ada yang mau nonton, kagak ada TV deal dll. Kalo gua rasa sih NFL kagak perlu minor league system, karena college football sdh sangat berkembang sekali dan college football berfungsi menjadi minor league system utk NFL.
Ada juga world league (Europe), arena football league, semi pro league. Tapi kebanyakan pemain baru di NFL di ambil dari college. Sedangkan yang tidak bisa masuk ke NFL, baru masuk ke CFL, atau arena football atau semi pro. Semi pro itu kagak dibayar atau dibayar sedikit sekali. Biasanya kalau sd...
Pasti lebih di develop di PRO lah. Di college, the system, the coaching, the quality of the competition is nowhere close with the pro. The playbook aja berkali kali lipat lebih complicated on the pro level. Then the coaches, from the assistants, the position coaches, the quality control coaches e...
Of course nothing is safe, but you have to pick someone dont you? So you pick someone you think is the best player out there. And among the QBs, Strafford is looking the best out there but there is no guarantee. Just like you invest in something, no guarantee u ll make money, but u invest in some...
Stratford kayaknya pasti no. 1. Dia pilihan yang paling safe utk saat ini (most ready to contribute, good arm, good mechanic, classic drop back QB). Josh Freeman is the best athlete among the QBs. Strong arm, good size and good speed. Tapi utk soal accuracy agak sedikit meragukan (bisa dibilang b...
Beli aja yang NCAA atau NFL official size. Jangan beli yang high school. High school biasa nya sedikit lebih kecil. NCAA and NFL hampir sama ukuran nya, hanya ada perbedaan sangat sedikit, jadi mungkin buat kita kurang terasa bedanya. \n\n\n
Tuh bule memang bukan kicker. Dia main linebacker/Db in highschool. Footwork nya bagus, krn memang latihan footwork secara benar. \n\n\n\n
Utk yang mau melihat pentingnya route running utk posisi WR, take a look at these videos of Jerry Rice talking about the importance of running good route. Utk yg tdk tau, Jerry Rice ini sekarang sdh pensiun tapi dia pemegang record NFL utk TD terbanyak sebanyak 208 TDs dalam karir nya. He is not ...
peripheral vision kalau di bahasa kita apa ya??? Mungkin tepatnya, melihat dari ekor mata gitu loh.... \n\n
Kombinasi dari semuanya. Tapi yang paling paling penting adalah Route Running. Banyak NFL receiver yang sprinter dalam tim Olympic (contohnya dulu James Jett dari Raiders, mantan tim Olympic 4x100m), tapi di NFL tidak bisa terlalu berbuat banyak. \n\nHands juga penting, tapi kalau route r...
iya, gua saranin pakai basketball shoes atau cross training shoes. Running shoes memang agak licin. Kemarin aja waktu di WR drill udah banyak yang kepeleset. This can be dangerous. \n\nMengenai knee, elbow, ankle brace bisa beli di MG Sports (Kettler). Kalau yang pakai sepatu rendah, bisa...