Hi there, guys! How is it? I decided to become a PAMM investor. Usually I'm closing deals with profit but sometimes I'm loosing to much of money. Are there any advices to me? I want to know how to minimize risks and to get much profit. Thnx!
And about safari - it is a pretty fast browser. Todays trade began not bad and I'm happy. If the trading will be same profitable all the day then it's will be very good) Does anybody know are there differences between trading with Iphone and Android devices?
Had anyone invested money to PAMM accounts? No, I hadn't. Furthermore, Do you trust your money to someone you do not know personally? IMO, I don't. At least you'd better wait while you'll be sure those guys are not gamblers and they are really profitable traders with a good strategy.
I am using Safari too (Thanks to you). And my trade is not so good. My loss is more than my profit. But it's will be ok. Last week I had some problems with my PC, furthermore I was sick. So now I'm feeling good and my PC too.
Sorry, but IE for trading... I don't think it is good idea, really. I think, Microsoft developed IE to download other browsers and that is all this browser's ability. :ngakak
No, that is not all. You'll use browser and not executable application. First time it is hard not to close the tab with trading platform. I advise you to install some browser special for trading. This Web-platform is adapted for many different web-browsers so you have a big choice. Even safari (I
Yeah. You're right. I will. and is there stochastic osc? It will be difficult to me to trade without it.
FRIENDS!!! I haven't saw before broker like this!!! Their support works really GREAT! I had lost some of my funds (this was my fault). After all Ijak posts I began to abuse their supporter. There was representative, her name is Linda. I know that she was angry to me, but I think that she understood
Yesterday I made a little research. I opened Google and searched for "Gainsy Scam". I found few results, but as I understand there was bad negative reviews only from FPA users, In particular, "Goldsmith" "ali reza". There was only one girl (Wika) that is not pleasure...
And one more: What do you want to say by posting this screenshot? Well, everybody see that you was a customer of Gainsy. Everybody see that you withdrew your money. I don't understand why have you cutted comments, but it is your own business. So tell me, please, you're still waiting for answer from
so you told me that i am a liar?or never use gainsy? ive used your broker before.and i have big doubt because gainsy itself never clarify case at FPA https://scontent-a-sin.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc3/t1.0-9/10154987_295283143963068_5316592920049712439_n.jpg Ijak, at first, nobody said you're l
Interesting thread))) I have to say: Helena, maybe ijak is right and this are really people who were scamed by broker? Ijak, maybe Helena is right and this reviews are from Broker's competitors? If it is true, then how many customers has Gainsy and why there are only three or four people who te
Dear Gainsy Supporter / Staff i dont care if FPA is a corrupt site...or advertise other brokers i dont care. but 1 think that i understand. FPA have some geniune review from geniune users.some of traders that face problem with his broker ussually complaining at FPA.and FPA is a perfect place to
Ha-ha-ha!!! FPA? ROFL!!!! Think about next (If you're have by what to think): When you're opening the first page of FPA what do you see? Exactly, SPONSORS ADVERTISEMENT!!! EXNESS, HOTFOREX. So what is FPA? It's a corrupt site! I read all this thread. Fun! And of course you don't think this was real
fadge, I think I'll answer you earlier than aneah. There were two competitions between Gainsy's customers. Now it's stopped. And withdrawal: There are many variants to withdraw your funds. I use Skrill. Maximum I waiting is one day.
Ha-ha!!! +30%? Now It's 45%!!! And it's not the end))) I deposited 1000 bucks, bonus was 450$ So I can trade with 1450$, BUT: I installed Gainsy Toolbar and GOT 50% MORE!!! So I trade not with 1000$ and with 1950!:2thumbup it's a pity that Bonus for toolbar is one-time(:sorry Thanks for info abo
Did you hear about bonus Standard +30% ? How bonuses can be used: You can open an account on 10000USD, and start trading 1 lot. As a result, during one month you can earn extra 5000USD approximately. Or you can order our bonus “Standard 30” after account replenishment. Then, you start trading
I trade with Gainsy since 2013. It is MT4 broker for customers who use STP. They has own platform (PC and android) but only for ECN users. Well, I want to say that they has really tight spread. My favorite pair (gbpusd) has spread in 02-03 pips.