You know it isn't difficult to open another account using another IP...problem solved. Child's play. Yes but it wouldn't take long for someone to work out who he was, unless he didn't offer stuff for download ... and what would be the point. It takes a lot of effort to host and post perhaps he doe
For those looking for Avechelice, he has asked me to post the message he had from Kaskus: avechelice, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons: Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someon
Palermo Floating Fence Issue: According to the developer, you need to set your Mesh Resolution to 5 meters at most (1 meter is the recommended setting by the developer actually) if you are experiencing the "floating fence" issue SD
SimMarket Auth Codes KeyGen - These are the rules as per the original author FYI: - Will not work for products with their own protection (e.g. ASN, GSX, PMDG), however most/all sceneries are likely to work fine - Tested on WIN 7 x86 and 10 x64, may have trouble with other OS, requires .NET framew
Guys, Just so you know the SimMarket Auth Codes v2.41 author posted the original at a well known German language site (with a .to extension) with the request: DO NOT SHARE Keygen on another website, this will make future installers harder to krack. I guess he won't be happy so I suggest that yo
The deletion of the Aircreation582SL folder was probably caused by an error in the original Aerosoft Lightning F6 installer. They have corrected it now. Mathijs Kok said "We apologize for this issue, it was a strange combination of small issues and small mistakes." SD .
It is in your FSX root folder and can be read with notepad. You can download a modded version here: Modded Terrain.cfg File .
please, some airports killing me, flight 2 houers and see thats ugly elevation bugs right now flew to khnd(freeware orbx port), aec disabled looking some better, but ugly too disabled fs global na solved problem, but this is not best way Have you tried this? Airport Elevation Problems Also check